so last sunday was the first time i had ever left bryson overnight, and let me tell you i was the biggest wreck ever! i had mentally gotten completely ready for about a week that it was going to happen, and was really excited about it. but then sunday came and i didn't want to leave him at all. we had to meet my mom in willcox after church and my mom was going to take him back to thatcher until wednesday. he was so happy when we all pulled up and were getting ready to make the trade. he loves to go to grandmas to play with tom and steph. so they all left
and we had to go back home with out bryson and it was so weird, i hated every second of it. and to make it all worse we got home and i realized that somehow my diamond had fallen out of my ring! it just wasn't the best day! anyways, we left the next morning and had so much fun, i still missed bryson, but i'm not gonna lie it wasn't as bad as i thought it was going to be! we had so much fun and were busy the entire time and i really didn't have time to think about it! we went to so many shows and saw so many weird and random people! we went to a cirque de soleil
show and actually had to go on stage and be apart of it, that was really embarrassing, but fun! we got to watch the frontier hotel be imploded in the middle of the night, and that was so awesome! Then there was this man that was just standing on the side of the road with his birds, we walked past and looked at the birds and he was like okay, stay right there and get out your camera. so we did and he placed the birds on our arms and heads, then as he was
about to take a picture he said, "okay by the way this will be a donation of 20 dollars, do you want me to take this picture of not?" what a punk, i know, but ryan the sucker he is gave him money and we took the pictures. he was a really nice guy, he just gave us this big long speech about how poor he was, i just hate people that do that. we also got to see
the one and only Hulk Hogan, and no lie, that is one really large man! it was cool to see him, but i didn't have my camera with me then because we had just gotten out of a show and it was late! but i said hi to him and he gave me a fist pound and that pretty much made my night! jk but it was pretty cool! he was a really nice guy! but of course along with everything we did, i ate more that i have in my entire life all together in 3 days! they had some of the best food ever! definitely a really fun trip! oh and the last thing, was our unbelievable hotel room! we got this promotional thing, so our room was free, and let me tell you i understand why it was free because it was the biggest hole in the wall place ever! the outside didn't look to bad as you can see, but inside was scary, i made ryan check under the bed for a dead body just in case! it was bad! i guess i learned my lesson, to never trust a free room! but altogether it was so much fun!