december was just one crazy month and i didn't exactly have much time to say merry christmas to everyone! so now that i am saying merry christmas, take it how you want! either a very late merry christmas, or an extremely early merry christmas!
of course it was traveling, we had the daley christmas party with my family, that was fun! and bryson just loved being around his cousins it was cute to watch him play with all of them, we dont see them often! and then of course christmas day in thatcher was fun with bryson even though he doesn't understand it was fun
to watch him with his mini quad! he was a little crazy on sugar that day!

new years was in sierra vista with ryans family! all six of them were there and it was fun! there are 5 boys and one girl in there family so its fun to get together with the sisters in law! and ryans only sister just got engaged too so we are getting a new brother in law as well! that is so fun to watch also because bryna is one of my best friend!
So I'm pretty sure that's the most disgusting picture of me... could I look any grosser?!? Pretty sure the only other pic you put of me on your blog was from Labor Day and that was nasty too. Camille, you better watch it, you're getting so close to me posting your pic from New Years..... ;)
he looks so cute on his quad! Santa brought one to our house this year too. We ought to get together and let them ride!
Your holidays looks amazing!! I think next year we will be in Thatcher, so mental note, we need to all get together, I'll have MAryann head it up since she is in the loop there!!
Man.. Sounds like you had an eventful holiday! I am so sad I didn't get to see you over the break! What is horrible is that we don't live far from eachother and we still never see eachother! So what about BUNKO?? Is it on? I can make invitation? or host it? Either one!
My husband comes from a family of four boys. Only the oldest one is married so I have only one sister-in-law. Can I just tell you how lucky you are? Plus, I am the oldest in my family so no in-laws on that side for a while! How fun to have a bunch of girls to hang out with!
It was so fun to get see you guys at C-mas & it sounds like you had a fun one! How great to have so many sister-in-laws!!
Happy Anniversary!
hey! your holidays look so fun! you are so cute and i can't wait to see you next time you are here! RIGHT?!? :)
Camille I found your blog during my daily blog stalking. I will add you to my blog buddy list.
how fun! I had no idea bryna was engaged. im a little jealous, i need some sister in laws my age. happy 3 years to both of us!!
Hey Camille-You just got tagged. Go to my blog for instructions.
Hey you! -k- we are going to head to the zoo next Thursday morning. I would love if you could make it. We need to catch up! Let me know.'s almost February!! Update us PLEASE!
Camille I will always make time for you no matter how much you say I work. I am not that busy!!
You have been tagged, go to my blog for directions!
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