so this last weekend probably was one of the best weekends ever! of course first of all it was bryson's birthday! but friday, my one and only sundevils beat the dirty little wildcats! WAHOO...........!!!! i know i am a little late posting about it but i am still having a little happiness hangover! i got to be there right in all the action! and im not gonna lie it really shouldn't have been this close of a game, but it was! 20-17 final score, but what can i say a win is a win! here we go to the holiday bowl now

Girl..you're obsessed! j/k :)
Hey! I will give you a call later, but thought I would let you know we are going to go next week. We want to make it there on the 12th, probably around 9 or 10. I hope you can go! Talk to you soon! Laters
Go Sundevils! I love that picture of you and Meg. Who is the other girl?
How fun!! Chris and I have season tickets in the Larsen section, but we were to lame to brave the cold. However, we did show our support and at least watched from home. Go Devils!!
What a fun weekend you had! On the carseat I got the Britax Roundabout for Presley. I love this carseat becaues it is super comfy, reclines, easy to take cover off and clean, and no recalls on it. So it is super SAFE! I got my first one at target $230, but then I wanted a extra one for Dustin's car and got it on ebay in the box brand new with shipping and everything for $130. I just looked on ebay and there is a brand new Britax Marathon going for $150, this one in stores is close to $300 or more. I hope this helps you out on what to get. You can look up online safe carseat of 2007 to see if there is anything better out there or cheaper. I got this one because we are always driving back and forth to Mesa, Scottsdale, and Gilbert. And the code to look up that Marathon carseat on ebay is 130179451410. Good luck and let me know what you are going to do.
Yeah! Wow you are a huge fan of football!
I found you! you guys are so cute and that baby..oh baby! so adorable. Our plan is to crash a haymore party over Christmas break so we can see all of you guys. aren't you excited?
The address for those blog backgrounds was that shabby tulips address, but last time I looked it was no where to be found. I guess it was deleted. Anyway, I just used the blog template we used to create our backgrounds and changed the paper in those 4 areas, do you remember how to do that? If not, I think I saved instructions on how to for when I was trying to explain it to Jan
Camille, I'm sure you've seen the tagging craze across the blogs..well I finally gave in after being tagged a couple times so I think you need to now also. So YOU ARE TAGGED! hahaha
I got your cute Christmas card yesterday! SO cute. You're one hot lady.
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