Posted by
Haymore Family
10:36 PM
iheartnaptime.com is having a giveaway for the New Silhouette Cameo and lets just say I am dying to have one! So go check out her blog it is super cute and has some really fun and great christmas ideas! And also go check out Silhouette.com and look at their blog also especially if you haven't seen a silhouette....you will totally want one after seeing everything they can do! seriously awesome!
Posted by
Haymore Family
10:32 PM
Ok so I know it has been forever and I'm not really sure anyone looks at this thing but I still would like to update it enough for it to be a little journal! So much has been going on lately it has been totally crazy! BUT first things first....I need to introduce the newest and most adorable addition to our family! Mr. Tad Marshall Haymore. He was born on October 5, 2011 and weighed 6lbs 2oz. at 12:48 pm. I was induced that morning at about 8 o'clock and everything went perfectly, with about not quite two full pushes to get little man out! And ever since he has been the best baby ever, sleeping like a champ and is seriously so dang adorable if i don't say so myself! :) He has been such a blessing in our home and its been so fun to see the kids with a little baby and how good and helpful they are with him! Bryson asks every day when will he be big enough to wrestle and play with!...soon enough I'm sure.
Posted by
Haymore Family
3:31 PM
Okay so yes I am going to post about Reece's birthday but first I just have to tell you a little about Bryson! (only because this is the order the pics uploaded in and im to lazy to move them)
A few weeks ago this kid decided he wanted to ride his bike without training wheels! We were over at my in laws and he just got it in his head that is what he wanted to try so when we got home that night he brought Ryan his bike and asked if he would take them off......Ry gave him a little push in the backyard (grass) and B took off without even hesitating! Me and Ry looked at each other and just started laughing! So we figured lets try in the front ( we don't get much traffic if any and more room) so he can ride farther and try and turn around and all! We get out there and Ry just kept running next to him thinking he may fall once or twice...nope not until he was trying to stop and just kind of fell over!!! But I am so proud of this kid, its so fun to watch him grow and become such a fun little boy!! He has a bigger bike but we figured it would be easier to learn on a smaller bike to start himself and put his feet down to stop, but he has now conquered the big bike just as well!
Posted by
Haymore Family
9:36 AM
Okay, so lets just be honest here......im am horrible at updating this thing! And just thinking about it is giving me a headache, but here it goes! All the pictures are backwards but we shall just work with it!:)
Way back when......we did celebrate easter and i didn't get a picture of both Reece and B together im a little bumbed about that!!~ It was a ton of fun because it seemed to go on forever and Bryson understood the actual meaning a little more than he has in the past, its so sweet! But of course We had a picnic down in thatcher with Ryan's moms family, then straight over to picnic again and easter egg hunt with my family and then again the next day back in sierra vista with all of Ryan's family, which is so much fun! THis is how it goes..... we hide seriously over 100 eggs filled with money and candy and whatever else we can find! The little crazies line up from youngest to oldest and a few at a time take off and the maddness begins!:) It is so funny to watch all the kids go crazy and they all over flow their easter buckets with rediculous amounts of eggs and candy! It is so much fun to watch though. Oh and not to mention the sugar high all the kids and dads get on after its over! (pics at the very bottom)
Posted by
Haymore Family
10:35 PM