May 10, 2010


WOW... so apparently time really does fly! I can't believe she is going to be one, well in 2 1/2 weeks anyways! She is so different from Bryson, and I love it. I love that she is on her own schedule and is so dand chill! She is happy sitting and watching everyone else around her! NO Really, she finally is crawling and only if she has to get to something she really wants. If she wants me, she won't come get me or crawl to me, she gives her puppy dog face and goes " uh uh uh" she's lucky she's cute:) jk We love her and she is so much fun to have around! And Bryson loves her crazy!
I have no idea what her stats are, but two months ago she was 16.5 pounds and 26" tall. like the 20% for both. Big change from B being in the 99% every time.


The John Family said...

so cute! Cooper is like 23 lbs. and he is younger than reese! How fun!

Megan T. said...

I just want to squeeze her! Conner has that same play table that she is leaning on.